Wednesday, 28th April 2021
Here's the worksheet you will need tomorrow:
Wednesday, 10th March 2021
Homework (-tomorrow):
vocabulary (– paper)
Workbook, p.51
Worsheet for tomorrow:
See you tomorrow!!
Tuesday, 9th March 2021
Monday 1st March2021
Homework (-Wednesday):
vocabulary --> rest of Unit 3
Workbook, p.43
p. 49/ ex.3a)
See you!
Monday, 22nd February 2021
Homework (- Wednesday):
Workbook, p.40+41/ ex.1+3
See you!
Monday 15th February 2021
Workbook, p.39/ ex.5
ex. 6: Make five sentences.
See you tomorrow!
Sunday, 14th February 2021
Hello out there!
Here's a worksheet for you. You will need it tomorrow:
See you tomorrow!
Thursday 11th February 2021
- Read the grammar information on page 140 and
do the Test yourself exercises.
- Workbook, p.38/ ex.3
p.39/ ex.4
See you on Monday (and tomorrow of course)!
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Please print out the vocabulary test for tomorrow:
PDF: files/docs/users/st/6bvocabularytestU3Top2pdf-1.pdf
Tuesday 9th February 2021
- vocabulary – sportsmen
- Workbook, p.38/ ex.1+2
See you on Thursday! 
Monday, 8th February 2021
- p.139: Read the info and do the Test yourself
- Workbook, p.37/ ex.6 + 7 + 8
See you tomorrow!
Thursday, 4th February
- p.138: Read the grammar info and do the
″Test yourself“ task. (The Key is on page 149!)
- WB, p.36/ ex.4 + 5a)
Next English lesson: Monday
See you!
Wednesday, 3rd February 2021
Please print out the following worksheet on Word or PDF until tomorrow
(Bitte drucke das folgende Arbeitsblatt für die morgige Stunde aus!):
See you!
Tuesday, 2nd February 2021
- Complete the timetable! (!!! Welsh choir on Thursday afternoon, not Friday!!!)
- Read the text on p. 52 aloud.
- Do exercise 5a) on page 53 (Make two lists)
See you on Thursday!
Monday, 1st February 2021
Please print out (ausdrucken!) this worksheet (Word or PDF) for tomorrow:
Homework (-tomorrow):
- vocabulary – thick
- WB, p.35/ ex.1+2
See you!
Thursday, 28th January 2021
Homework (-Monday):
- vocabulary Unit 3 (– to put up)
- WB, p.34
- Read the dialogue on page 52 + answer the
questions on it (p.52/ ex.3).
to agree – hier: sich einigen
See you!
Monday, 25 January
Homework (-tomorrow):
- p.49/ Scan the text: Questions 1-3
- vocabulary (- leg)
- Thursday:
WB, p. 28 - 31
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, 19th January
Here's your homework (- Friday):
- Write the new words (- both) into your vocabulary book and learn
- Read the text on p.42/43
- p.43/ ex.3 (When you write down the sentences in the right
order, you get a word …)
- p.44/ ex. 5 (Write the complete e-mail)
See you on Friday!
Monday, 18th January 2021
Good morning!
Homework (-tomorrow):
WB, p.25/ ex. 6
p.26/ ex. 7 – 9
Learn the new vocabulary again!
See you tomorrow!
Donnerstag, 14.Januar 2021
Hi there,
here's the key (Lösung) to some of this week's tasks:
When you have already done them all, please check your answers. If you have questions here, you can ask them in the video session tomorrow.
If you haven't done them yet, please do them before you look at the key!!!!
See you tomorrow!
Dienstag, 12.01.21
Here are the tasks for this week:
Please print out this grammar sheet and complete it: files/docs/users/st/Someandany(worksheet).doc
You will find the key to it here: files/docs/users/st/Someandany(worksheet)key.doc
Write the new vocabulary ( - tight) into your vocabulary book and learn it.
p.39/ ex.4
p.40/ ex.8a + ex.10 (Schreibe einen kurzen Dialog nach dem gegebenen Vorbild, nur mit anderen Dingen, die du kaufen oder nicht kaufen willst...)
Workbook, p.24/ ex. 2
Workbook, p.25/ex.4 + 5
That's all!
See you on Friday!
Montag, 11.01.21
Hallo, hier ist die heutige Hausaufgabe. Bitte erledigt sie bis morgen zur Video-Stunde um 11:15 Uhr.
1. Read the text on page 38. Here the two girls
are looking for a bargain.
2. Then do exercise 1 on page 24 in your
3. In the dialogue you can find the words some
and any. Find out, in what situations you use
Tipp: This video can help you:
Bis morgen!
ps: Für alle, die an der heutigen Video-Stunde nicht teilnehmen konnten:
Wir haben ein paar unregelmäßige Verben wiederholt und zur Wiederholung eine Übung zu much, many und a lot of gemacht (Bitte nochmal anschauen!!)
Hallo ihr Lieben,
wünsche euch ein gutes neues Jahr.
Am Montag zur 2.Stunde (8:30 Uhr) sehen wir uns hoffentlich alle zu einer Video-Besprechung auf Teams. Falls es bei euch technische Probleme geben sollte, so teilt mir dies bitte im Vorfeld mit (E-Mail), da es auch eine "Anwesenheitskontrolle" geben wird.
Bis Montag dann!
Friday, 18th December 2020
Hi there,
And finally here's the key to your tasks in your workbook:
That's all for this year.
Merry X-mas!!!! And be nice to your family.
Wednesday, 16th December 2020
Hello everybody,
here are the tasks for today and tomorrow:
Workbook, p.20, ex.4 a + b (b: Schreibe auf, wie die Leute hier in diesem Dialog ihre Vorschläge formulieren, einem Plan zustimmen oder diesen
p.22, ex.1-3 (exercise 3: Please write a small talk dialogue and send it to me on Teams)
p.23, ex. 4-6
I will send you the key (Lösung) on Friday!
And: Don't forget your irregular verbs!!! Repeat them again and again!
Enjoy yourself!
Thursday 26th November
Hier findest du noch einmal die Liste mit dem Stoff für die Schulaufgabe am 30.November:
Thursday, 29th October
Hello there,
Here's the key to the worksheet I gave you last Friday: files/docs/users/st/presentperfect+alreadynotyet(key).doc
And here you can find the key to your tasks that I gave you on Monday: files/docs/users/st/Unit1pp1819(key).doc
Have you already written your cards?
And here's the last thing for you to do: Please watch the video, try to say the words aloud and write the vocabulary into your vocabulary book (last word: yet - schon):
That's it.
Take care!
Monday, 26th October 2020
Dear A-Team,
please do the following tasks this week:
Write down the irregular verbs on cards (We talked about it last week!)
And do some exercises on the new present perfect:
- p. 18/ex. 6 (Please write complete sentences!)
- p.19/ ex.7 (Write down six mini-dialogues!)
- p.19/ ex. 8 (Write down what Jay and Olivia have already done and what they haven't done yet = a) 6 sentences, b) 4 sentences)
See you! 
Thursday, 22nd October 2020
Hello everybody at home!
Here's the key (Lösung) to the vocabulary worksheet:
What to do today?
Please read the text on page 17 in your book and do exercise 2 (It's a very short exercise!).
And next? Just a clue: Irregular verbs!!!
See you!
Hello Team B,
I hope you are OK. Here's the key (Lösung) to your "old" homework in your workbook:
p.4 / ex.4:
2. brushed his teeth at 8:45 am / 3.didn't drink milk, but tea / 4. took a bus to Oxford Circus at ... / 5. didn't go to school but he walked around London with (his cousin) Luke
p.4 / ex. 5:
(Bilde erst einmal nur die Fragen. Anstatt eines Partners kannst du dann jemanden in deiner Familie oder online/ telefonisch jemanden aus deiner Klasse interviewen! Schreibe ihre Antworten auf, falls du es nicht schon gemacht hast ...)
1. When did you get up? - ... got up at ... .
2. What did you eat for breakfast? - ... ate ... for breakfast/ didn''t have breakfast.
3. What did you do in the daytime? - In the daytime ...did/ went to/ worked/ played/ ... and ...then he/she ...
4. What did you do in the evening? - ... played/ did/ watched/ read/ talked to ... in the evening.
5. What did you have for dinner? - ... had ... for dinner.
6. What was the best thing about your day? - The best thing about ...'s day was ...
p.5 / ex.6:
Dad: So how was your day at Camden Market?
Jordan: It was OK, thanks.
Dad: Just OK? What did you do?
Jordan: We didn't really do much.
Dad: Not much? Well ... Did you go shopping?
Jordan: Yeah, we did.But I didn't buy anything.
Dad: What about the others? Did they buy anything? Who was with you?
Jordan: Tom and Lucy. Lucy bought a book.
Dad: Oh, a girl! Who is Lucy?
Jordan: She's Tom's sister.Dad! Why do you want to know all this?
Dad: Well, I'm your dad and I want to know who you're spending your time with! So, did you have a good time?
Jordan: Yes, thanks. My phone is ringing. Sorry, Dad.
Versuche nun, den Dialog laut vorzulesen. Dabei kannst du ruhig etwas schauspielern, wenn es um den neugierigen Vater und den genervten Sohn geht!
- Next write the zoo-story in exercise 7 in your workbook!
- And: Don't forget to learn the irregular verbs (unregelmäßige Verben)!!!
On Wednesday you will get the key (Lösung) for the worksheet which I gave you today.
Have a good time and be nice to your poor parents!